Thursday, August 17, 2017

XML and PDF are going to remain popular and useful for a long time

XML to PDF is one of the most popular conversions between data formats available. It is important to convert XML to PDF in order to make the data presentable and print it. PDF is a globally renowned format for several purposes and so is XML. The differences between them is the style of formatting and functionality. XML was developed to store and transfer data, while PDF was developed for a better presentibility.

With the changing dynamics of technology these days, it has become more important to convert XML to PDF today. Here are some reasons, the idea of XML to PDF conversion is going to stay here for many more years to come.

Relevant Formats: Both the formats are still relevant and will remain the same way for quite some time now. Be it XML or PDF, these formats are globally loved and accepted for data storage, transfer, and presentation. Even new software are developed keeping these formats at the core of it.

Easy-To-Use: There is one thing common between XML and PDF and that is their easy-to-use formatting. Anyone with the slightest computer literacy can handle both the formats. This is one of the major reasons why these formats are still relevant. With high-end technology, it would be difficult to replicate the ease of these formats.

Habituated: Most people of any generation are habituated with using XML and PDF for all their work. Developing a software to replace both XML and PDF will need everyone to change their habits and that is not an easy task. People have known the best methods to convert XML to PDF and they swear by their choice of conversion method. It's like it is ingrained into the psyche of most.

These are some reasons why XML to PDF conversion is here to stay. No matter how much the technology changes, the idea of having XML for data storage and PDF for presentation is not going to change. There is global acceptance of the fact that XML to PDF conversion is not a difficult task. Most users have already accepted that conversion is just a click away and they are unwilling to part ways from this to make way for a format that can do both the jobs. Any new data format that can have the qualities of XML and PDF will be a trouble for all the major developers as well. They will need to add another format compatibility in their software. Therefore, this can't be called a welcome step.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Advantages of Graphical Representation

Everyone knows the importance of XML documents and PDF documents. Not just their definitions, but their usage is also known pretty widely. We help you convert XML to PDF easily by using our signature XSL-FO syntax. The major reason for converting the files from XML to PDF is to represent the data in a graphical manner.

As mentioned above, the major reason for converting the data from XML to PDF is a better graphical representation that is not possible in the former format. But, the question is why is it important to have a graphical representation of data. Here are some advantages of the same that will help you know the reason to convert better.

  • It is easily acceptable for busy professionals. When you represent a data in a graphical format, it highlights the important information and the theme.
  • One of the major reasons of maintaining databases is the comparison. When you present a data in a graphical manner, you make it easier to compare the statistics.
  • It is easier to take a logical approach towards a situation when we see the data in a graphic manner. Once the idea is clear, it is easier to take the most viable decision.
  • Imagine yourself preparing a report for an audience that is not very literate. It will be easier if you would make the report or presentation graphical. It will convey the message properly to any mass.
  • Graphical representation often offers a complete idea. Going through tough syntax to get the right idea is not a very justifiable step. It will be easier for everyone to get hold of the complete required information in a short span of time.

These are some of the basic advantages of choosing a graphical representation of data. This is why it is suggested to convert the data from XML to PDF before going for a presentation. On the flip side, it is best advisable to store and transfer data in the XML format. You can go through our case scenarios of converting XML to PDF and even try out for free.